SR ISO 9000-2:1995
Quality management and quality assurance standards. Part 2: Generic guidelines for the application of ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003
Standardul stabileşte recomandări care să permită utilizatorilor o mai bună înţelegere a ISO 9001, ISO 9002 şi ISO 9003
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Status :
Approval date : 9/30/1994
Publish date : 3/1/1995
Withdrawal date : 4/30/2004
Number of pages : 28
ICS : 03.100.70 Management systems,03.120.10 Quality management and quality assurance
Technical Committee : 56 - Quality management and quality assurance
- Normative reference STAS ISO 9001:91
- Normative reference STAS ISO 9002:91
- Normative reference STAS ISO 9003:91
- Conflict with SR EN ISO 9000:2001