SR EN 1998-2:2006
Eurocode 8 - Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 2: Bridges
Complementary to EN 1992-2, EN 1993-2 and EN 1994-2. Design rules for earthquake resistant design of steel, concrete and composite bridges.
Status :
Approval date : 4/6/2006
Publish date : 4/8/2006
Number of pages : 130
ICS : 91.120.25 Seismic and vibration protection,93.040 Bridge construction
Technical Committee : 343 - Basis of design and structural eurocodes
- Normative reference SR EN 1991-2:2004
- Normative reference SR EN 1990:2004
- Normative reference SR EN 1998-5:2004
- Normative reference SR EN 15129:2010
- Normative reference SR EN 1992-2:2006
- Normative reference SR EN 1337-2:2004
- Normative reference SR EN 1993-2:2007
- Normative reference SR EN 1337-3:2005
- Normative reference SR EN 1994-2:2006
- Normative reference SR EN 1998-1:2004
- Amended by SR EN 1998-2:2006/NA:2010
- Amended by SR EN 1998-2:2006/AC:2010
- Amended by SR EN 1998-2:2006/A1:2009
- Amended by SR EN 1998-2:2006/A2:2012