SR EN 1990:2023

Eurocode - Basis of structural and geotechnical design

Scope of FprEN 1990 (1) This document establishes principles and requirements for the safety, serviceability, robustness and durability of structures, including geotechnical structures, appropriate to the consequences of failure. (2) This document is intended to be used in conjunction with the other Eurocodes for the design of buildings and civil engineering works, including temporary structures. (3) This document describes the basis for structural and geotechnical design and verification according to the limit state principle. (4) The verification methods in this document are based primarily on the partial factor method. NOTE 1 Alternative methods are given in the other Eurocodes for specific applications. NOTE 2 The Annexes to this document also provide general guidance concerning the use of alternative methods. (5) This document is also applicable for: - structural assessment of existing structures; - developing the design of repairs, improvements and alterations; - assessing changes of use. NOTE Additional or amended provisions can be necessary. (6) This document is applicable fo


Status : Valid
Approval date : 4/28/2023
Number of pages : 172
ICS : 91.010.30 Technical aspects
Technical Committee : 343 - Basis of design and structural eurocodes

Relations with other standards: